
A Guide to the Ideal Golf Lifestyle

“Golf Lessons, Golf Fitness, and Golf Nutrition”

We believe that golf is a lifestyle; a lifestyle that encompasses golf instruction, golf fitness, and golf nutrition.

These are three aspects of golf that we are extremely passionate about within the Wisdom In Golf team.

Shawn is the Founder and Chairman of Wisdom In Golf; he has been teaching professionally for 35+ years and has background in human anatomy which allows him to fully understand how the human body works and how it should sync up with the golf swing.

Munashe is our head kinesiologist with an extensive background in high performance fitness and nutrition. He has a huge passion for golf specific fitness, functional training, and healthy eating.

Our lastest Golf Lessons Videos and News

The Power of Protein: Why High-Protein Buckwheat Crepes are Perfect for Golfers

When it comes to enhancing performance on the golf course, nutrition plays a critical role. As golfers, we often focus on perfecting our swing or choosing the right club, but what about our diet? Today, let’s dive into why high-protein … Read More

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Unleashing Your Golf Game: The Carnivore Diet Advantage

In the realm of performance-boosting diets, the carnivore diet has emerged as a compelling choice for athletes seeking optimal physical and mental function. As its popularity continues to rise, golfers are discovering the potential benefits that a carnivore lifestyle can … Read More

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A Symphony of Flavors: Roasted Salmon with a Vibrant Mixed Bean Salad

There’s something magical about the combination of perfectly roasted salmon and a colorful mixed bean salad. The marriage of rich, flaky fish with the hearty texture of various beans creates a symphony of flavors that is not only nutritious but … Read More

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A Culinary Journey: Crafting Homemade Pasta and Meat Sauce with Love

There’s something truly magical about creating a meal from scratch, especially when it involves the time-honored tradition of crafting homemade pasta and meat sauce. In a world dominated by convenience, the act of preparing a dish from start to finish … Read More

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A Flavorful Twist for a Healthy Golf Lifestyle: Curry Chicken Salad Recipe by Olivia Adriance

  In the pursuit of a healthy and active lifestyle, finding delicious and versatile recipes is a true delight. Recently, we stumbled upon a culinary gem on the Instagram page of “olivia.adriance” – her mouthwatering Curry Chicken Salad recipe. This … Read More

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Sweet Greens: The Nutritious Fuel for Golfers On the Go

When it comes to fueling their bodies for peak performance, golfers need a balanced and nutrient-dense diet. With demanding schedules and limited time for meals, finding quick and nourishing options can be a challenge. This is where Sweet Greens comes … Read More

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Exploring the Importance of Discovering Your Local Healthy Restaurants: A Closer Look at Restaurant Colibri in Quebec City

In today’s fast-paced world, where convenience and quick fixes often dominate our choices, it’s crucial to prioritize our health and well-being. One effective way to do so is by exploring and embracing the local healthy restaurant scene. These hidden gems … Read More

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Powering Up Your Game: The Benefits of a Protein-Packed Breakfast for Golfers

When it comes to excelling in any sport, proper nutrition plays a vital role in achieving peak performance. For avid golfers, starting the day with a protein-packed breakfast can provide a winning advantage on the course. This article explores the … Read More

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Unlock Your Golfing Potential with Wild-Caught Salmon: A Golfer’s Superfood

As golfers, we are always on the lookout for ways to enhance our performance on the course. While practicing swings and honing our skills are vital, optimizing our nutrition can also make a significant difference in our game. One superfood … Read More

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Fueling Your Golf Game: Pre-Round and On-Course Lunch Bowls

Playing a round of golf requires focus, stamina, and energy. As golfers, we often find ourselves in need of a quick and nutritious meal that can fuel our bodies and keep us going throughout the game. Enter the world of … Read More

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Golf Lesson Club by Shawn Clement

Golf Lesson Club is a news and videos blog about Golf Lessons and Courses, Golf Academy and Golf Lessons videos.